Thursday 16 April 2015

Question 7 FINAL

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1 comment:

  1. Too generalised, be specific and offer example. Avoid waffle.

    Add another label "What I learned from my case studies". Give examples of what you have specifically learned from your case studies about the thriller genre that have developed your understanding of the genre. I assume this has been quite a learning curve!

    Identify a case study which was particularly inspiring. Provide a link to your case study.

    1) For example your case study on intertextuality...Ridley Scott's deliberate references in Thelma and Louise to Psycho. Also both films shot in Arizona!

    2) Sound track references connoting status of character, Tarantino's use of Sergio Leone's soundtrack from The Good the Gad and the Ugly awards The Bride the mythical and iconic status of Blondie in the spaghetti western.
    3) The trapped Amish boy (Sam Lapp) in Witness, the use of claustrophobic spaces to intensify suspense. The child is hiding in a toilet cubicle.

    This would enormously strengthen, provide evidence of what you've learned. You can also reference any independent viewing.

    Make sure with each point you offer hard evidence.
