Thursday 9 April 2015

Question 3 FINAL

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  1. Again I am unable to access question 3. Could you avoid the software you are using and transfer your response onto another form of presentation. Thanks.

  2. A competent response to question 3. To strengthen:

    1) Upload schedules from Cinema City (a Picturehouse Cinema and linked and has as a remit to exhibit a diverse range of films) and one of the Multiplex Cinemas and identify any films which are similar to your film not only in genre but are also low budget. Cinema City as you say exhibits low budget films such as Shane Meadows repertoire of films with unknown actors. "This is England", "Somers Town", and Meadow's brilliant thriller made with an unknown cast "Dead Man's Shoes". Also Abby Morgan's "Fish Tank" another low budget film with an unknown cast (the main character an untrained actor) and also using an improvised script was also released in independent cinemas because it is a cheaper form of release.

    This kind of information would strengthen your response James. The more you include research that is appropriate to your question the stronger your mark.

    A proficient response.
