Thursday 9 April 2015

Question 2 FINAL

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  1. James I am unable to access Question 2. It could be the software you used! I suggest either use prezi or power point, audio or video diary.

  2. James could you add two new labels:
    G321 Evaluation (rough drafts)
    G321 Evaluation (this is where you post your final drafts for final assessment).

    Could you please do this without delay. Thanks

  3. At last James the arrows are visible and I can access your response.

    Regarding gender:
    1) Well done for explaining that you have used the stereotype in thrillers (Psycho, Panic Room) of the woman as victim. Though true to the stereotype and also to the position of women in our institutions her protest may be fruitless. Note how few women are MP's in comparison to males, how few women are at the top of large companies, how few are in positions of power when you watch the news! These are examples of the slow progress towards equality. I heard on the BBC the other day that it could be at least 200 years before women get equal representation in parliament.

    Men outnumber women nearly 5 to 1 as Members of Parliament at Westminster and the number of women MPs has increased by only 4.6% in 10 years.

    Since the July 2014 Cabinet reshuffle, a quarter of serving ministers are women. Five women hold Cabinet positions.

    The film industry ...9% of women are film directors, last year in Hollywood it was 6%. Hence the marginalisation of women in block buster films. I saw "The Water Diviner" yesterday and the three women who were in the film were marginal to the action, and two were over glamorised and inauthentic.

    This kind of statistic would support the point of the female in your film being represented as helpless. To gain marks you could indicate that your female character is a metaphor for the position of women in powerful positions in the UK.

    The business world also remains largely run by men, with only 20 per cent of FTSE 100 directorships held by women. In the media world, only 5 per cent of all editors are women and within the legal system, just 13.6 per cent of the senior judiciary are women.

    2) Ethnicity: Your film represents the ethnicity of your crew but also there are few films which include an ethnically diverse cast because of the ethnicity of directors in the film business.

    3) Youth: You need to say that in a sense you have challenged the stereotype of young people being deviant and feckless. Instead you have cast a middle aged, middle class male as the deviant/criminal character.

    I hope this helps James. This kind of information would add enormously to your response and indicate to the examiners that you are prepared to research aspects of representation.

    I will also copy this information into Meg and Emily's blogs.

    At present level 3.

    1. I've made some improvements. What do you think?
