Wednesday 15 April 2015

Question 5 FINAL

1 comment:

  1. A mainly proficient response though at times your expression becomes clumsy. Your first sentence is particularly wobbly. You need to say something like...audience appeal is usually heightened when there are characters or situations, or fantasies which they identify with and feel part of. Or characters behave in a way which audiences may find admirable, or enviable. For example our female character exacts her revenge on her abusive lover. This may bring satisfaction to female audiences who may fantasize about ways of ridding themselves of controlling relationships.
    Thrillers are often about ordinary situations which become extraordinary.

    The girl in your film walks out of No 52 with attitude and listening to music. She is ordinary, and wouldn't draw attention......what is extraordinary is what is behind the blue door!!!!! Audiences may relish this.

    If you have time add the above.
