Wednesday 8 April 2015

Question 1 FINAL


  1. You have mainly focused on the question. You need to revise the section on your female character. There is nothing in your production to indicate the girl has any of the qualities of the femme fatale archetype, there is nothing that suggests she is deviant.

    Instead explain that ..... I used the convention of the female as victim of a male aggressor. The female as victim of abuse is a convention used at the beginning of "Once Upon a Time in America" when Eve is cornered a shot by a corrupt detective, and Marion Crane meets her fate at the hands of a psychopath whilst in the shower. Both women are deviant, Eve is the mistress of a gangster whilst Marion has run off with a wad of stolen money.

    I have put the following on Emily Maskell's blog:

    ..... I think it would be more coherent if you said something like……the audience is positioned with the trapped female and may be reminded of the infamous crime in Austria…..Cellar in Austria where Josef Fritzl kept his daughter as his sex slave for 24 years filled with 200 tons of cement. Thus the audience may begin to make connections between a seemingly respectable middle aged man who is in fact some kind of monster. The crime against Elisabeth Fritzl who was held captive in the cellar in Austria from the age of 18 by her father. . You could Google this story and reference it to l strengthen your response.

    James check your use of capital letters is accurate and also check that at all times you are using the convention of the genre.

    At present Level 3. Try to reference news stories and other films where the female is a victim of crime. There is also the story of the Bristol... the case of:

    Joanna Clare Yeates (19 April 1985 – 17 December 2010) was a landscape architect from Hampshire, England, who went missing on 17 December 2010 in Bristol after an evening out with colleagues. Following a highly publicised appeal for information on her whereabouts and intensive police enquiries, her body was discovered on 25 December 2010 in Failand, North Somerset. A post-mortem examination determined that she had been strangled.

    She was murdered by a Dutch engineer who was a neighbour of hers.

    Hope this helps. You could reference any one of these news stories because your film will remind audiences of real life cases of girls being incarcerated by abusive older men.

    1. I've made some improvements. What do you think?
