Friday 10 April 2015

Question 4 FINAL

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  1. Same problem with question 4. Again you need to sort out a different form of presentation. Thanks James.

  2. The potential target audience are reflected in the characters. One of the issues with your response is that it is undeveloped. I emailed you all yesterday suggesting you do a full profile of your ideal potential audience.

    James you have identified what you consider similar films but your point is too simplistic because you haven't said what it is in these particular films which your audience will find appealing.

    At present Level 2 because your points are undeveloped. Read my email for further advice on how to strengthen.

    Well done James for posting four responses, this gives you time for revisions.

  3. James try using another technology for your next answers, and remember video clips and screen shots from real films and or real crimes will enhance your evaluation.
