Sunday 1 February 2015

Psycho Case Study

1 comment:

  1. Your comments about the importance of the soundtrack and the representation of gender strengthen your analysis.

    Revisions if you have time:

    1) There are no shots of the envelope of money in the sequence in the hotel room at the beginning of the film. The shot of the envelope of money after Marion has been murdered are significant and ironic. The money is all important to Marion but ironically not to her murderer Norman Bates. The money signifies Marion's deviance, not only is she having a forbidden affair but she has become a thief.

    2) You make an excellent inter textual reference to Thelma and Louise but your references to claustrophobic spaces used in The Third Man and in Kill Bill 1 need explaining. You need to identify the claustrophobic spaces used in these two films and how they increase suspense.

    An intelligent and thoughtful case study which is clearly proficient.
