Tuesday 6 January 2015

Shot List For the Thriller Opening


1 comment:

  1. I put the following on Meg's blog:

    A splendidly detailedshot list which offers lots of opportunities to experiment with lighting and camera angles and movement. In film studios there would be no lid to the cupboard and cameras would be used for low angle/bird's eye shots, as in Psycho (shower scene) where there were cameras on a platform above the shower.

    You could experiment with placing the victim in a dark confined space, as if in the cupboard to get a couple high angle shots of the girl crouching. Take lots of shots so that you have plenty of choices when editing.

    To add a twist, interest and assertiveness to the female character arm her with a large torch. This would contradict the traditional cinematic passive female which could be a turn off for a potential female audience who do not want to see helpless female victims (there's enough of them on the screen) !.

    The use of a torch also strongly references "Kill Bill 2" (buried alive). Instead of the cliff hanger (splendidly explained in your shot list), you could add :

    ..fade to black

    ..cut to Victor opening the cupboard door (close up of his hand)

    ..girl shines light in his face (similar image to Harry Lime in "The Third Man").

    .. Victor is dazzled by the light cut to

    ...close up of his hand

    ..girl either whacks his hand with the torch or stabs his hand with a knife...,

    cut..... does she escape or?
    Experiment with lighting, and take stills on the shoot. You may also wish to construct a film poster (optional) which would clearly place you in a strong position for a potential strong mark.

    I think you should challenge the female stereotype in some way. I like the idea of Victor straightening his tie, this is another reference to Bill's conceit (in the opening to Kill Bill 1)

    Have a think. I also suggest you give the girl a less lyrical name, how about Becky (Becky Sharp is the deviant/assertive anti hero in Thackeray's brilliant satirical novel "Vanity Fair" (1847)) ..further mines of information for you to plunder. And another inter textual reference. Bryony is a bit too soft a name. I think your girl needs to be injected with some will power?????

    Make sure your footage is readable, so not too dark to see what is going on. Use spots, I think we have some.
