Saturday 4 October 2014


Media Student Questionnaire.

GCSE Results
Maths - A*
English Lang - B
English Lit - B
Physics - B
Chemistry - B
Biology - C
RE - B
German - C
Drama - D


 I do not usually read magazines or newspapers, however I do have a brilliant app on my Phone that keeps me up to date on major (and minor) news stories, I also catch up on news about upcoming movies or new tech. I also have a social media account for Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr. With these I can catch up with my friends news, big or small, it also tells me about more local stories about where I live and what events are going on near me.


 Unfortunately, I am not one to listen to the radio. It has never really appealed to me because I am not a massive fan of music, as much as I like listening to it.


 As I have said before I am not someone who listens to music non-stop, or follows an artist religiously. I often listen to soundtracks from movies or games, I find some soundtracks amazing, captivating and immersive. For example the, Lord of The Rings soundtrack. Other than that I normally just listen to artists that spottily suggests.


I have many favourite games, one being Dishonoured;
The artwork in this game is phenomenal, every slight aspect of the game is extremely detailed, the graphics are amazing and the story line is mesmerising. 
Another favourite game of mine is The Last of Us

Again, the detail and story telling in this game is stunning. The maps are also vibrant and beautiful.
Here is the cinematic trailer:
I believe that video games can have a negative effect on peoples attitudes towards genders, for example many games have been criticised for portraying women as 'sexual playthings or victims of violence'  as seen in this article: Tackling the terrible sexism in video games: Women are portrayed as sexual playthings or victims of violence
This can cause people to think that the reckless behaviour that is seen in most video games such as Grand Theft Auto is okay in real life.



Using social networking sites can have many up sides like; being able to contact friends and family; keeping up with celebrities, advertising (for big companies and films/games), law enforcement can use it to prosecute criminals and sometimes predict acts of terror,  it can help employers find employees and job-seekers find work and it also allows people connect with others who might not in real life.


Some negative sides of social networking includes; it facilitates cyber bullying; it also enables spread of unreliable and false information about others, it exposes the public to the government and/or corporate extrusion, can cause lower grades within education and also causes people to spend less time interacting with one another face to face.


My favourite TV channel has got to be BBC, they produce so many good shows compared to many other channels, each different to the other.
Some of my favourite shows include, Sherlock (BBC), Parks and Recreation (NBC), Doctor Who (BBC),  Game of Thrones (HBO) and Bad Education (BBC).
As you can see I like a lot of shows, most of them made by the BBC, I mainly like crime/detective, however I also like comedy and some political shows.


My favourite genre is probably Action/adventure, purely because most good films fall under this genre!
The three films that I consider outstanding would be:
Fight Club:
Fight Club
Shawshank Redemption:
The Shawshank Redemption
and The Lord of The Rings Trilogy: (I hope this counts as one, if I were to pick though it would probably be The Return of the king)

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
I know I'm only allowed 3 films but I just had to mention 'V for Vendetta' purely because of the symbolism used in the book and the movie.
V for Vendetta

I usually watch films at the cinema with my friends or through Google Play Movies on my phone or tablet. My favourite cinema has to be the BFI IMAX in London, its the biggest in Great Britain and even though the price is extremely expensive the comfort and the experience makes up for it.


In some ways I am a media producer because for fun my brother and I, along with some friends, make short films, mainly thriller. We have been doing this since we were very little using I movie to turn some terrible little clips into an even worse over dramatised trailer! We are currently in pre-production for a short film called Innocence that I probably will post on my blog at some point!


I have chosen Media Studies as an option because I am very interested in films and am an aspiring film Director! I also chose media as a creative subject and a more enjoyable subject. Also sometimes its nice to have a break from maths.
(My other subjects are; maths; further maths and physics!)


I don't usually get offended by the media, I just don't take it seriously and laugh! However some films have changed my opinion.
I find films trailers especially exciting because normally they are specifically made to create excitement but to not show you too much of the film, one trailer that has been released recently was The Hobbit: Battle of Five Armies, as a Lord of the Rings fan I find this exceptionally well made, because they have realised their audience and targeted it so well' for example: the song (home is behind) that featured in the first trilogy and sung by a major character (Pippin).
Not specifically, I haven't any strong views in particular, and the media hasn't really changed that so, no.
I would decide to show the varsity of England and how we have different laws and different ways of life compared to the rest of the world, I will show the rich and the poor, the successful and the failures. 

1 comment:

  1. You have embedded clips and images appropriately and I also look forward to seeing some of your short films on your blog.

    Regarding your conclusion, here you could have referenced the documentary footage of the discussion about women in video games. These documentaries are well chosen and quite frankly offer the viewer very disturbing images of misogyny.

    In future posts and in order to achieve higher grades endeavour to develop your ideas and be specific, for example some of your comments are a little generalised and needed more thought. For example you say that the media hasn't changed your needed to think hard about this and consider how some of the shots in the films you have referenced may feed into your own films.

    James you are not filing your posts, could you please sort this out without delay. Your questionnaire should be filed under G321 Preliminary Task,.

    Your questionnaire is well organised and presented.
